Importance of Theatre for Children

There are surprising and long term benefits to an early exposure and interest in theatre. Theatre gives children a safe space in which they hypothetically navigate their many social issues and therefore learn how to solve their own problems.

Today, an increasing number of communities are realizing how important theatre is to children’s development. Research shows that students who are exposed to the arts are more likely to be involved in community service and they will actually be working towards more effective thought processes.

Performing arts teach children how to think creatively through imagination. Creative thinking skills are critical in the world of business leaders, where the ability to create solutions to problems is a necessary and valued asset. The heart and soul of a company is creativity and innovation. Creative skills are one of the most important skills needed to be successful in any industry.

Theatre teaches children how to appreciate people of all kinds and how to respect other points of view. Students get to know different cultures, personalities, natures, attitudes and different human emotions and traits. Theatre allows you to step into someone else’s shoes and see life from their point of view. This teaches young people lessons of empathy and cultural relativity.

Frequently children watch TV. They are not used to focusing on one thing for along time. They are addicted to see a new image every 3-4 seconds. Theatre helps children to learn how to sit quietly, respect others, and pay attention.

Theatre exposes young people to new vocabulary and ways of communicating. It is the single most valuable place where kids can explore the endless possibilities of their imaginations.

Without theatre, children not only miss out on an amazing artistic experience, but they lose the chance to experience an endless amount of learning opportunities. For sure, children with theatre, improve in their school performance and also learn creativity, culture, communication, patience, morals, and imagination.


(April 15 - May 15, 2021) / CALL: +919448386776 /

Thank you

Aasif Kshathriya